Starting Conversations

CONVERSE is the heart of our magazine. It’s here, we are starting conversations focused on issues that matter to our readers and that impact our community. We invite everyone to take a seat at the table and share their unique perspective. We are diving into difficult conversations, approaching seemingly unanswerable questions, with a commitment to embrace possibilities. We are allowing things to unfold by trusting in the process, leaning into the conversation with an insatiable curiosity. 

We will not shy away from difficult conversations just because the answers aren’t clear or because they may be uncomfortable. It is our inherent responsibility to make every effort to lighten the loads of others and leave the world a better place than how we found it.

It’s not our intention to persuade anyone, nor is it our intention to necessarily arrive at a solution. It is our desire to get the conversation rolling, to hold space for ideas to manifest, to encourage full participation, and facilitate in this process that moves us forward. 

Certainly we want to see a positive impact in our community from these discussions. It is our hope that our readers will continue the conversations, create momentum, and implement strategies that make sense for their neighborhoods, organizations or any other facet of their lives.


I approach the conversation on racial injustice, understanding the sensitivity, with slight hesitation. And yet, it is a conversation that we must have. We can’t hold our tongue simply because we are afraid of getting it wrong. We need to be brave and vulnerable. To put ourselves in uncomfortable conversations to begin to understand at a deeper level what our neighbors are feeling and experiencing. We must put people first.

At this time, it is so important to listen. To try and understand this issue from multiple perspectives. From here the solutions will get easier. I’d encourage you to engage in conversations and ask questions. Open your hearts and minds. Stay curious and committed to each other.


Questions to Start the Conversation

  1. What can you do to support the people of color in our community?
  2. Do you think we were taught well about race and culture?
  3. Who taught you about race and culture?
  4. Why is it important for everyone to work towards ending this injustice?
  5. What can you do to be actively anti-racist instead of just being not racist?
  6. How would you define white privilege?
  7. What are some examples of white privilege? Where do these privileges come from?
  8. How is racism embedded into the social structure?

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